
Metal is not considered an 'official' element of the Rainbow, having been historically lumped together with Earth. It is represented by the color silver in modern times.

Those born with this element are called Metalsmiths. People who train to manipulate Metal may also simply be called 'Metal users'.

It is seen as the element of duty, conviction, industriousness and ingenuity.

Metalsmiths are known for their incredible defense and determination, but have somewhat unremarkable intelligence.




Combat Breakdown

Metal is strong against Wind, and weak against Ice. As metal can be quite shock-resistant it can be useful against Lightning, but beware that it can just as easily be used as a conductor - channeling the electricity straight to its user.

Metal also has a natural advantage against several fae races (notably fairies, pixies and piskis) and may offer some degree of control against certain automata (anything with a metal shell, such as androids or metal golems). Most ethereal races are completely immune to Metal abilities, which simply pass through their incorporeal bodies - though silver may prove effective against lesser ghosts, as well as lycanthropes.

Social Compatibility





For the two elements not represented in the Rainbow, Ice and Metal have a lot of trouble coexisting. Both have a tendency to speak their minds rather bluntly, though for different reasons. Winterborn tend to use this as a tactic to drive people away from them, rather than genuinely feeling the way they act. Metalsmiths on the other hand are quite sincere and make poor liars, believing it's always right to tell the truth even if it's cruel and hurtful. This leads to communication issues on both sides - Winterborn dislike the tactless demeanor of Metalsmiths who seem incapable of reading the environment, while Metalsmiths find Winterborn to be deceitful and underhanded, lacing their words with hidden meanings and doubletalk. Metalsmiths are also more down to earth and dislike the lofty arrogance often exhibited by Winterborn, while Winterborn may in turn find Metalsmiths to be as mundane and dull as their namesake suggests, unfit for the finer pursuits in life.

Naturally these two are prone to frequent arguments wherever they may come together. Since Winterborn struggle to express their feelings openly and may be emotionally sensitive, while Metalsmiths are unfailing in their honesty and their hearts are an open book, miscommunication is unfortunately very common. Winterborn are likely to become upset if the Metalsmith doesn't notice the subtext of their words or nuances in their tone of voice, taking everything they say at face value. The Metalsmith will then become frustrated that the Winterborn seems to be incapable of speaking what's really on their mind without hiding behind a facade of fake anger or disinterest and then acting like the victim when the other party can't understand. Fortunately, there is hope for a pair of this nature. Metalsmiths have a great deal of emotional fortitude and can shrug off a lot of the punishment Winterborns dish out without snapping, making it difficult for the usual tactics to drive them away. Winterborn can also appreciate the honesty of a Metalsmith as it's unlikely that they'd ever lie to or betray them, so a Metalsmith who sticks around is probably in it for the long haul. If the pair can become aware of each other's strong suits it may be enough to balance out the shortcomings and help them work toward a better understanding, though as always it will take a lot of patience and dedication.



Metalsmiths can live comfortably almost anywhere in IGNOLand, particularly in the more urban areas like IGNO City. The floating settlement of Bradios Banks is also especially welcoming of Metal users who enjoy tinkering with machinery, offering them opportunities to expand the Neutral Nation into a technological paradise.

Some races commonly associated with Metal include dwarves, kobolds, androids and cyborgs. Golems may also be constructed with metal bodies.

Notable IGNOites with the Metal element include Bradios, Atlas, LG's Grandma and Onii-chan.

Unlike the other elements, there don't seem to exist any records or myths to indicate a temple of the metal element ever existed. Many believe this is due to the fact that Metal is not represented in the Rainbow and was not recognized as its own element in ancient times. However, many modern scholars have found evidence indicating that both Metal and Ice were recognized much earlier than we think, and were simply suppressed Rainbow fundamentalists. As such, the notion that there may have been a sanctuary of some sort built to honor the metal element is not unreasonable.