The Invisionfree Era

After the fall of the old anime BBS community where SG2, AngelGoten, and )v(ajin\/egita first met and became friends, the group was stuck in a limbo of trying to find a new hangout. However, nothing really stuck, so )v(ajin created his own forum on Invisionfree and attempted to get some of the old gang back together over there. The group languished in relative inactivity there for about a year, but were simply unable to attract many new members while the old ones became less and less active as time went by. The community had grown stale, and it was time for a change - but )v(ajin was nowhere to be found, and SG2 was only given the role of moderator when she was put in charge. Without administrative control over the forums, she could not take true control in his stead.

Thus, in the spring of 2005, SG2 decided to repurpose the Invisionfree forum that )v(ajin had made for her some time earlier. The forum was originally intended as a host and place of discussion for SG2's Dragonball fanfiction, Dragonball IGNO - hence, the community's name. SG2 attempted to round up what members still lurked around )v(ajin's forum that she could, and took to inviting some real-life friends from school to stir up some fresh activity. While some of these classmates were at least casually interested in anime, many were not - leading the Off-Topic section to quickly become the most popular and active on the site. It wasn't long before the original anime and fanfiction aspects of the community were all but forgotten, buried beneath a wave of general discussion and random nonsense.

The Invisionfree Era represents the IGNO community's birth and adolescence, still very unsure of what it was or wanted to be, and without a care as to what its future may one day hold.