It was 2005, and the IGNO community was just beginning. The vast majority of its userbase at this time ended up being friends and classmates SG2 went to high school with, and the collective interest in anime among the group was relatively low. As a result, the Off-Topic forum - intended only as a side-forum for light general discussion - became the most frequented area on the site, and quickly overtook the original anime and fanfiction focus IGNO was created for.

Let's not mince words - 2005 is an extremely boring year for transcripts. An overwhelming amount of discussion centered around the school and local towns most of the members shared. It is also, as of this writing, more than ten years old, meaning the usual 'I was so embarrassing back then' syndrome is in full effect (and doubly so, concerning anime fans). This section is a museum for relics of the ancient past - somewhat interesting to look at and say, 'so that's what things were like back then', but generally not very fun to linger on for very long. However, history is history, and we have an obligation to preserve it all the same.

--SG2, 5/30/16