
Demons are beings from the Demon Realm, a separate plane of existence from our own (much like the Underworld). Thus, demons are not technically native to IGNOLand - however, perhaps due to its status as a magnet for supernatural energies, it has become a popular location for many demons to call their home. Demons are almost universally possessed of horns on their heads, and many have leathery, dragon-like wings upon their backs. Other attributes common to Beast races or Liminals are also variously seen, such as claws, fangs and cloven feet. Most demons take on a relatively humanoid shape, while others may appear all the world for Beasts or even Monsters. Thus, differenciating a demon from a race native to IGNOLand can be all but impossible via visual means alone - much more telltale is the inherent supernatural energy they give off, which is easily detected by the more magically-inclined. Most demons possess a relatively humanoid shape (though some may appear almost indistinguishable from the Beast races), compared to their similarly-dimensional cousins the Aethrals. It is thought that this shape is symbolic of their close intermingling with mortal races since ancient times, often sharing the same desires and notions of free will as mankind.

Long ago demons were considered to be wholly evil beings due to their tendency to almost always belong to the Shadow element, which was oft misunderstood in those days. It is believed that Shadow is the primary element most are born with in the Demon Realm, with other elements coming secondary by choice - the opposite of how Shadow is typically obtained in the mortal realm. Though they are still distrusted on occasion, demons mingle freely among the races of IGNOLand and are more often accepted as ordinary. As many demons favor Blood Country over any other place in IGNOLand, it is believed that the environmental conditions of the Demon Realm are likely similar. A common trait shared by many demon races is their tendency to feed not on physical matter, but on the more intangible and abstract, like energy and emotion.