Character Profile Sheet
Also known as your 'application', 'character sheet', and a variety of other terms used inconsistently from community to community, your Character Profile is where you'll describe your character, their life, and all other such relevant information. Simply fill out the form below and submit (please tag the @staff role in Discord once you have done so as well, to get their attention).
IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU FILL THE PROFILE OUT IN A WORD PROCESSOR FIRST!! Once submitted, you cannot edit the form, and that information will be lost to you until a staff member approves your profile. Please save yourself unnecessary grief by making your own hard copy before submitting the form!!
IGNOLand is a pretty open community - there's no strict pass/fail system here, no queue, no limited slots. As long as you don't go super crazy or break any rules (like blatantly plagiarizing an existing character or creating some sort of unstoppable godlike being), chances are you will be accepted. Your profile will, however, be subject to the review of staff members before being given the OK to start roleplaying. If there are any issues requiring revision, you will be contacted via DM (please ensure you have DMs from server members ENABLED in your Discord privacy settings).