
Likely the second 'majority' race-type in IGNOLand alongside humans, Beasts are your standard humanoid animal species. Unlike their cousins the Beastmen, Beast-type races have more in common with the animals on which they're based, typically sporting the 'animal head on a human body' look. Expect a standard Beast to have some other more bestial attributes which may vary from race to race (or even among the same races), such as claws, animal-like feet, wings, tails, etc. Likely covered from head to toe in fur, but the 'mythological god' style of an animal head on an otherwise fleshy human body may pop up now and again as well. While not an inherent racial ability, many Beast races are capable of shapeshifting to take on more natural animal forms.

Ultimately it's one of those 'up to the character designer' things, but for IGNOLand purposes we'd prefer to lean closer to the 'realistic animal head' look than the 'weird animal/human hybrid' anthro style. Beasts should look more BEASTLY than humanized, after all. Other arbitrary pet peeves that aren't technically 'rules' but things that generally bug me and I would prefer you follow if at all possible - PLEASE do not give female Beast characters human breasts. I also strongly frown upon humanlike hair on an animalistic-looking character. It just looks bad. Please don't do it.

In TVTropes terms, IGNOLand's Beast Races are Petting Zoo People. For a more humanoid race with a few animal attributes in the vein of the Japanese-style 'catgirl', see BEASTMAN.